2021 was a year full of challenges and changes. With the aim of prospering and growing, CaseFox always was a step ahead in advancing itself from the new and out-of-the-box solutions and ideas.
A broader way to think and test different methods was not just a choice but a necessity to keep introducing newer and better ways to help the legal sector in the most reasonable and effective way.
This year, CaseFox has introduced and executed many plans and helpful tools to seamlessly help law firms in their day-to-day practices. From introducing a whole new software to modifying its mobile application and many more, CaseFox is all ready to reflect back on the year’s achievements through this blog. Read it to know the genuine success of CaseFox.
Valuable achievements accretions

- Holds a position at GetApp leader category 2021
- Document Management Software
CaseFox document management software was placed at the 7th position by GetApp’s category leaders. We do not just provide a hassle-free user interface by also keep improvising in the features to make them one of the finest versions of themselves. We keep the pace of motivating clients’ staff and other professionals to get into the use of cloud technology and ease your work in the most affordable way.
- Legal Billing Software
The category leaders report placed CaseFox into the leaders of legal billing software. CaseFox was also recognized as a fourth runner of the legal billing in GetApp.
We are really honored and proud to be placed in the category of legal billing software. CaseFox’s principal aim to build this software was to ease the entire billing process for lawyers and professionals. The whole idea of developing such billing software was to make the law practice get into the cloud.
- Trust Accounting Software
CaseFox was shortlisted by Capterra for the category of trust accounting. Capterra on its newly released trust accounting shortlist software report placed CaseFox as one of the trust accounting software. CaseFox trust accounting software helps you in managing multiple operating and trust accounts seamlessly without incurring any errors in the whole process.
Additions made to help law firms achieve profits
- MatterSuite Launch
With the full gist of transforming the legal sector operation, CaseFox launched its other legal software this year. By not just helping lawyers in their legal billing aspect but also from this year, law firms have the access to manage the whole litigation from the new launch.
From the collective efforts of the CaseFox’s team and with the support of client’s there was a hope to launch something that assists the legal sector on a larger scale. MatterSuite is a one-in-hand solution for law firms and businesses to manage their whole law practice from case to trial from a single software.
Everything from managing case facts, hearing dates, evidence, discovery, and motions MatterSuite provides a complete matter law practice management solution to hassle-free let your law firm grow in a quicker way.
- Mobile App Updates
CaseFox’s new mobile application for lawyers came out with new additions and improvements this year. Not just the interface was simplified, but major additions like bulk invoice generator, performance checker, conflict check and so many more features were added in 2021.
- Hassle-free fund transfer and withdrawal
Keeping in mind what really needs to be a priority, the idea to modify the payment transfer method came into execution. Not just for lawyers but for other professionals using CaseFox, the new addition seems really helpful in transferring and withdrawing funds from anywhere, anytime.
- Easy to use user interface
What matters the most as a first impression is the complexity of the software. We try to always improve in the best possible way. But not just focusing from the point of view of software, CaseFox tries to focus on what will be easier for the users as well.
- Effective performance checker
For every lawyer and law firm, the method to check performance comes with many troubles. Manually, it’s nearly impossible to check the performance of the whole law firm in a less time-consuming way. But with the new additions made in the mobile app for lawyers of CaseFox, users can easily check the performance of the case and the staff with just a single click.
Top features of the year 2021

- LEDES Billing
CaseFox offers the best format to hassle-free get invoices in a professional process. Legal electronic data exchange standard is a billing format that functions electronically. Many lawyers don’t prefer LEDES because the process seems tedious. But CaseFox made the LEDES billing one of the simplest tools to be used for invoicing.
- IOLTA Accounting
If you are a lawyer running your own law practice, then CaseFox is here to help you out in maintaining your own client’s funds separately using IOLTA. Easily manage both trust and operating accounts with CaseFox. Interest in lawyers’ trust accounting is a feature provided by CaseFox by giving you all the proper set of accounts needed.
- Client Intake
CaseFox helps in giving lawyers a perfect base to create customized client intake forms and boosts their onboarding process from anywhere anytime. With online intake forms, lawyers can easily capture the details of all the clients from a single sheet of data. Easy follow-ups can be taken and effective decisions for new client intake can be made remotely.
- Client Portal
Letting your clients pay smoothly and enabling access to track their invoices is what CaseFox offers in its easy-to-use client portal feature. It helps both lawyers and client’s in the fund transfer mechanism without any security trouble. It offers uninterrupted payment receiving and paying facilities from its fully secured client portal.
Let’s go through some testimonials

Satisfying clients and providing users with top-notch features is what CaseFox always aims for.
I like that CaseFox contains all of the features I would need for basic case management in their free offering. This really gives you plenty of time to ensure it is the right fit for your practice before committing to the higher tiers.

Tom Kingsley
Everything! Billing and Invoicing are a breeze. The software runs so many different types of reports and exports them to Excel. Love this! Oh, and they have two separate UI (user interfaces) – the classic and the modern. Their Modern interface is better than most of their competitors, too. I still love the classic, though. I have done free trials (multiple times) of MyCase, Bill4Time, PracticePanther, Clio name it, but CaseFox is truly the best. You cannot get me to switch.

Margaret Sedy
I previewed/used the free trial of several different billing and case management software systems in the market. At a former firm, I’ve personally used a leading industry software, and CaseFox by far is a superior product to everything I have used. It is incredibly simple to set up and integrates seamlessly with my Google Suite and LawPay. I personally use google drive for my document management (but they also integrate with DropBox and other clouds) and with CaseFox it connects my employees to the drive through the software so we’re all working on the same document and there’s no overlap. The billing is incredibly easy and again is connected to my LawPay account, so I don’t have to go to multiple places when billing or confirming payments. There is a client portal that I don’t use as much as I would like, but the clients who do use it say that it is simple to log in and use. I appreciate the ability to purchase stand-alone services (such as more users, more storage, etc.) Instead of being forced to pay for services I don’t use. Customer service has always responded timely. The price of this software is where CF really stands apart- I was worried when I originally signed up that I would be receiving a substandard product. I had resigned myself because I wasn’t willing to commit to high fees every month with other products. I was surprised and happy to discover that CF is just as good and better in some aspects than other products I’ve used, for half the price.

Christie Ryan
I love the financing and caseload tracking and recording aspect of this software the most. This enhances my efficiency in invoicing and gives a bird’s-eye view of all that is happening in my practice from an accounting perspective. The client’s details help also to allow for speed in contacting a client without the need to locate a physical case file.

Sonja Anderson
Never miss out on the final thoughts
CaseFox always moves with the aim of improving and growing. Stopping is never an option seen with CaseFox. From being just a billing software to building a whole litigation management software is the biggest achievement and without sharing the success story with the audience the achievement seems a bit incomplete. With the whole support of the staff, clients, users, readers, and many more people who are connected to CaseFox, it became possible to achieve the highest targets in such a challenging year.