CaseFox – Write for us!✍️

As a cloud-based legal technology platform, CaseFox provides a robust set of features designed to streamline the work of law firms. 

If you are someone who holds excellent knowledge about the legal field and holds the willingness to provide valuable content for CaseFox, then we are here to openly give you an opportunity to write for us. 

Please have a look at our guidelines before making the final submission. 
For any inquiries, please contact

CaseFox’s Guest Post Guidelines

  1. The final content should not be copied from anywhere. The whole content should hold originality, which includes your own ideas and thought process. 
  2. The content may be based on research, facts, or experience- in relation to the topic you choose.
  3. The tone of the content should be professional and should deliver value to the readers. 
  4. Graphics and images are welcomed if they contain relevant usage and depict some valuable information when attached to the content. 
  5. The length/word limit of the blog should be a minimum of 1000 words. The content created can be edited by our editorial team.
  6. You may not republish your blog/content on any online site. 
  7. We reserve the right to include links in the content if needed. 
  8. The blog post should not promote any third-party websites which are in conflict with our company’s guidelines.

SEO Best Practices

  1. Include alt tags for any images in the blog post.
  2. Keyword linking is not allowed.
  3. Cite all quotes correctly.
  4. Links in the post that aren’t valuable to the reader will be removed.
  5. Shortened titles in the meta title section.

Procedure to submit your pitch

To submit your blog for consideration, kindly read the above-mentioned guidelines and then fill out the form here.

About CaseFox

CaseFox is legal billing software that helps legal professionals worldwide streamline their legal practices. One of the most renowned billing solutions, it is used by professionals in over 50 countries. CaseFox strives to provide our readers with a deeper understanding of legal technology and various legal trends through this posting. Our mission is to provide our customers with the best billing software at the most affordable price.

Will I be paid for my content?

Writing about CaseFox doesn’t involve any monetary benefits. It’s an unpaid position for writers. 

How long will it take for my article or blog to be published?

It depends on the number of blogs we receive from different writers. On average, it will take around 3 to 4 days to get a blog posted. 

When will I be notified that my content has been accepted?

You will receive an email regarding your content acceptance status. CaseFox does not post all content since some of it does not meet our guidelines. In order to increase your content acceptance rate, it is highly recommended to check our guidelines and follow them. 

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